Top LAN Technology Trends in India: Techpro Solutions

Top LAN Technology Trends in India: Techpro Solutions

Top LAN Technology Trends in India: Techpro Solutions

Top LAN (Local Area Network) technology trends in India are a combination of hardware and software. However, that makes the network work in a certain way and a specific speed.  The technologies are a group of computers connected to a network with each other. Therefore, it is able to communicate, exchange information and resource sharing (like printers, database, application programs, etc). Thus it meets the need of all small areas.

LAN technology distributes cable channels. Thus, it helps to develope in internet connection.

How does LAN work?

LAN setup is the physical connection of two or more computers. Hence it uses a cable which shares files and data. In addition to the cable is to connected the radio transmitters with their antennas. It is used for distributing cable channels and developing internet connections. The top LAN technology trends in India is Ethernet. It acts as a major data and physical link layer technology.  

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Top LAN Technology Trends In India

  1. Ethernet
  2. Fast Ethernet
  3. Token Ring
  4. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
  5. Virtual LAN

    1. Ethernet

Ethernet is defined under IEEE standards 802.3. By the way, it is the most widely used LAN Technology. As compared to other technologies, it is easy to understand, implement, maintain low-cost implementation. Ethernet is a 10Mbps LAN and uses CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) protocols for controlling to access the network.



     2. Fast Ethernet

Fast Ethernet is an extension of 10Mbps Ethernet standard. Whether the speed is up to 100Mbps. Hence it uses CSMA/CD protocol while accessing. Star wiring topology is used for physical connections.

    3. Token Ring

Token Ring is operating in ring topology which is 4Mbps or 16 Mbps token passing method. Through token passing devices on a token ring, the network gets access to the media. Here until the frame reaches the destination, each device passes the frame to the next device. The original sender strips the frame data and issues a new token.  

   4. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)

FDDI is faster than Token Ring and Ethernet LAN. Here the speed is about 100 Mbps. Including Primary and Secondary ring both are the two independent parts of Counter Rotating Rings of FDDI. Here data flows in opposite directions. Counter-rotating helps to prevent from node failure, failure of both primary and secondary links between two nodes, etc. FDDI is basically implementing for the backbone network.

    5. Virtual LAN

Virtual LAN works in turns of on shared media. In this case, the Shared media helps to create a single broadcast domain and a single collision domain. Virtual LAN single Broadcast domain divides into multiple Broadcast domain.

Conclusion on LAN Technology

Top LAN Technology trends in India. Because it has the capacity to access the internet in one room with a  fixed location. In summary, it is actually beneficial for all the educational systems, corporate sectors, etc.


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